
In today’s competitive global market, customers look for the best performing die castings which meet or even exceed their expectations. The North American Zinc Die Casting Competition 2018 provides a unique platform to demonstrate your expertise and skills to a broad international audience.

To participate in the competition die casters are requested to submit a zinc die cast part. Each entry will be judged for its design, quality, cost savings, ingenuity and innovation. Deadline for submission is March 31, 2018.

Winners will be awarded at the International Zinc Die Casting Conference in Chicago, IL, USA on June 4-6, 2018. They will be asked to present their work within the conference program, highlighting the main characteristics of the casting and explaining the reasons for choosing zinc alloys.

The entries will be judged by an independent jury of experts with no ties to eligible companies.

The North American Zinc Die Casting Competition 2018 is being organized by the International Zinc Association.


Official Participation Rules

The competition is open to zinc die-castings in the categories shown here under.

All zinc die casting foundries together with their customer/designer are allowed to participate.

All castings submitted for the competition MUST have approval in writing from the customer stating their permission to enter their part in the competition.

Judging is conducted by an independent panel of experts from the die casting industry, with no ties to eligible companies.

The attached ‘participation form’ must be mailed as soon as possible to IZA (see annex).

Note that casting(s) will not be returned.

As a general rule, by submitting their castings, the competitors agree to allow IZA to use the presented case for publications and promotional purposes (E-case book, professional literature,..). Please inform IZA upfront if some of the submitted information shall not be disclosed to the public.


Suggested Application Criteria

Winners will be selected on the basis of showing an outstanding demonstration of one or more of the criteria listed below.  Die casters can submit parts that stand out because of:

  • new alloys
  • new casting technologies
  • substitution of competing materials
  • high end technology
  • design
  • extraordinary surface quality
  • innovative application e.g. medical, space, solar/wind energy, etc.

Conditions of Participation

Participants are invited to submit all information on the part that will enable the jury to assess the merits of the part. As a guidance for type of information to provide, please refer to Annex 1 . The submitted die cast parts should be in production and not older than 3 years.

Construction plans and detailed drawings will enable the Jury to easier evaluate. Pictures of parts and assembly or sales literature will create better understanding of the zinc part.

Parts submitted must be deburred and free of flash. Surface treated parts should be send as well as as-cast parts.

In case you are not an integrated die caster, a formal agreement to participate is required from the final part owner (your customer). Please use the document in Annex 2 for this purpose.

The result from the Jury is not negotiable and all participants will be notified in writing. The submission of the castings and the participation form count as official participation to the competition.

Sample(s) MUST be submitted for entry to be judged. Use additional pages and/or attachments as needed. Photographs (preferably digital), drawings, sales literature and other supporting materials are also important judging aids. Casting(s) cannot be returned and will be the property of IZA.

Submission Deadline for Entries: March 31, 2018


Independent Panel of Experts

The Jury members, with no ties with eligible companies, will be composed by the Chairman of the IZA Die casting Steering Committee; their names will be communicated on the IZA website ( in due time.